2008年8月31日 星期日

Setting up Linux on ARM platform

1. booting from tftp
a. install atftp, configure conf.d/atftp(Root mode = 777)
b. setting uboot.
bootcmd = tftpboot 0x7fc0 uImage ; bootm

2. NFSRoot
a. download full_cramfs from ARM office website
b. mount -t cramfs -o loop "filename" /mnt
c. copy "bin, dev, etc, lib, root, sbin, usr, var" to ARMRoot
d. creating "home, proc, opt, sys, tmp"
e. configure nfs server
/etc/exports: /home/armroot, no_root_sqush, subtree_check)
f. setting uboot.
bootargs = root=/dev/nfs rw,iocharset=cp950 nfsroot=serverip:/home/armroot ip=localip(can be dhcp)
mem=128M console=ttyAMA0

3. developing driver
a. download kernel source and patch from above website.
b. build it.

rebuild linux kernel --